Saturday, October 23, 2004

Rummage Sale


Anonymous said...

I love the artwork - Yak

Braidwood said...

Thanks Yak!

Linda - Managing Director said...

Hmm... did you draw this using Paint in Microsoft? Or did you draw a real picture? (Bung eyes, can't tell) I think if you draw this pic on a real piece of paper, you should try enter it in a competition or something. This one is far the best of them all. Perhaps enter this one with the Space House 2. However, when I am writing this comment, I have felt a sense of dread about this suggestion. Because I don't like those people who judge art. They do not understand and when they see a good picture, they just critise it to shreads. These kind of so-called "artists" are not really artists at all, they just don't understand that the pictures are pretty in their own right.